Triglav nasjonalpark, den eneste nasjonalparken i Slovenia.
Naturskjønne daler i Alpene - Radovna, Krma, Vrata, Tamar og øvre Sava-dalen.
Den spektakulære fossen Peričnik
Planica - hoppsportens vugge
Zelenci naturreservat
Forfriskende Jasna-sjøen
Vandring i Vintgar-kløften
Pericnik Watrefall
Kranjska Gora-dalen
Utsikt over Vrata-dalen
Hva vi skal gjøre
Avreise fra Bled
Kl. 10.00
Kjør gjennom Radovna- og Krma-dalene
Peričnik-fossen og Vrata-dalen
Lunsjpause i Vrata-dalen
Planica og Zelenci kilder
Tilbake til Bled
Inkludert i prisen
Engelskspråklig guide
Komfortabel transport
Viktig for turen
Vanskelighetsgrad: Moderat (3 km (1,8 mi) vandring i Vintgar Gorge, bratt skråning - 15 minutter - for å se Peričnik-fossen på nært hold)
Snacks og drikkevarer er ikke inkludert
Delt gruppereise for maks 8 personer
Privat omvisning tilgjengelig mot ekstra kostnad
Minimum antall gjester gjelder
Henting tilgjengelig på 4 utpekte steder i sentrum av byen, ekstra kostnad for henting på overnattingsstedet
Turen gjennomføres på engelsk, spansk guide tilgjengelig mot ekstra kostnad.
Start dagsturen din fra Bled til Triglav nasjonalpark på strandpromenadene i Vintgar, det den mest populære kløften i Slovenia, og slit ut kameraene dine på denne 1,5 timers spaserturen i spektakulær natur i Triglav nasjonalpark. Etter Vintgar fortsetter vi bort fra de vanlige turiststiene og begir oss inn i de mindre kjente dalene Radovna og Krma. Der vil vi se en blanding av vakre skoger og beitemarker omgitt av ruvende topper i de Juliske Alpene. Føl hvordan tiden står stille i de små gjeterlandsbyene, uberørt av det raske tempoet i verden utenfor.
Neste destinasjon er Vrata-dalen (vrata = port) i hjertet av Triglav nasjonalpark, en port til de høyeste toppene i Slovenia, markert av strømmen av Triglavska Bistrica. Vi stopper ved Peričnik-fossen, en smal vannstrøm som fosser over to avsatser hugget inn i de stupbratte klippene og faller ned i et basseng nedenfor. Det mest unike ved denne fossen er en gangsti som fører rundt det fallende vannet, slik at besøkende kan observere det på nært hold og kjenne de små dråpene på huden.
Vi fortsetter videre langs Vrata-dalen og stopper ved en fjellhytte for en lunsjpause. Du kan velge mellom tradisjonelle retter fra hyttens populære kjøkken eller nyte din medbrakte piknik. Etterpå vandrer vi til toppen av denne isbreformede dalen, preget av den majestetiske nordsiden av det høyeste fjellet i Slovenia - Triglav-fjellet. Det er en loddrett kalksteinsklippe på nesten 1000 meters høyde som strekker seg 3000 meter på tvers, og den regnes som en av de mest imponerende fjellveggene i landet. Den ble først besteget så tidlig som på 1800-tallet - og hvis du ser nøye etter, kan du kanskje til og med få øye på noen modige sjeler som prøver seg på denne steinkjempen.
En tur i dalene i Juliske alper ville ikke være komplett uten et stopp ved sportens vugge for skihopping - Planica i Tamar-dalen. Her kan du se en av de største hoppbakkene i verden og se skihoppere under trening for å oppdage en helt ny forståelse for denne forbløffende sporten. Du kan ta det et hakk videre og prøve ut Planica. zipline for å virkelig oppleve hva disse vinterdårene går gjennom.
Vi vil tilbringe litt tid rundt den populære Kranjska Gora feriested og stopp ved naturreservatet i Zelenci, kilden til elven Sava. Etter en kort spasertur gjennom en skog vil stien bringe oss til det boblende blågrønne bassenget, en klar oase av fred og ro. Vårt siste stopp for dagen vil være på det mer livlige Jasnasjøenhvor du kan nyte utsikten, gå en tur, ta en drink eller til og med bade i det forfriskende fjellvannet.
Vi kommer tilbake rundt kl. 19.00, men vi er sikre på at alle kommer til å ønske at de hadde mer tid til å tilbringe i de slovenske Alpene.
Ting du bør vite
Vårt hente- og leveringssted som vi bruker i Bled er busstasjonen. Hvis du ønsker å bli hentet / sluppet av på et annet sted, kan vi imøtekomme det med en tilleggsavgift på 9 € / bestilling.
Sjåføren din vil kjøre mellom flere hentesteder, så vi ber deg om å beregne et tidsvindu på 20 minutter for henting, selv om vi vil gjøre vårt beste for å være der i tide.
Det er viktig å kle seg etter årstiden. Slovenia har alle fire årstider, så sjekk værmeldingen før dagsturen når det gjelder temperaturer og nedbør. Når du er i nærheten av Alpene, kan været endre seg ganske raskt, så det beste er å alltid ta med et ekstra lag. Vi anbefaler sko du vil være komfortabel i. Hvis du besøker grotter, må du huske at grottene er kalde om sommeren, ettersom grottetemperaturen er konstant hele året.
Du har muligheten til begge deler. Vi har reservert et tidsrom for lunsj på hver tur, alltid et sted med (vanligvis lokale) restauranter i nærheten. Når det er sagt, kan du alltid pakke din egen pikniklunsj og spise den hvor og når du vil. Dette kan noen ganger til og med spare tid slik at du får plass til litt ekstra sightseeing i løpet av dagen.
Det avhenger virkelig av nivået på begrensningene dine. Vegetariske alternativer er ganske enkle å finne i Slovenia, men veganske retter er derimot svært vanskelig å få tak i på landsbygda og i mindre byer. Vær oppmerksom på at stedene der vi stopper for lunsj ofte er tradisjonelle og kan ha vanskeligheter med å imøtekomme deg utenfor standardmenyen. Vi foreslår at du har dette i bakhodet.
Det beste med dagsturene våre er at de kan skreddersys til ditt eget treningsnivå. De fleste av turene er utformet med forskjellige aktiviteter tilgjengelig, så valget er helt ditt. Se avsnittet om vanskelighetsgrad under en spesifikk dagstur for å se hva vanskelighetsgraden for turen og den aktuelle aktiviteten er.
Ikke bekymre deg. Våre dagsturer er planlagt med tanke på alle. Hvis du synes en inngangsbillett er for dyr, eller du er usikker på om du er villig til å bruke så mye av budsjettet ditt på inngangsbilletter, vil guidene våre alltid ha noen gratis alternativer klare for deg. Fra å ta en kort fottur og finne den perfekte fotomuligheten, til å slappe av på et vakkert sted, vi har alt du trenger.
Det er så mye å gjøre i Slovenia, så vi ønsket å gi deg muligheten til å velge nøyaktig hvordan du vil bruke tiden din her. Derfor har vi samlet en liste over populære aktiviteter i områdene du besøker, og kategorisert dem som ekstraaktiviteter. Valget av hvilke og hvor mange du vil oppleve er derfor helt opp til deg. Vi har satt opp noen av de mest populære aktivitetene i områdene du skal besøke, og kategorisert dem som tilleggsaktiviteter. Valget av hvor mange og hvilke du vil gjøre, er helt opp til deg. Når du ankommer et reisemål, for eksempel Bledsjøen, gir reiseruten alltid rom for eventuelle tilleggsaktiviteter du måtte ønske å gjøre, som å besøke Bled slott eller ta en tradisjonell båttur til øya. Du kan bestille alle dine valgte tilleggsaktiviteter på forhånd. Guiden din vil bekrefte bestillingene med deg på turen og sørge for at du vet alt du trenger å vite. Det er alltid spennende når folk kommer tilbake fra den samme turen beriket av forskjellige opplevelser og kan dele og sammenligne opplevelsene sine sammen med de mange bildene de har tatt.
Hvis du vil, så klart! Vi er klar over at noen mennesker elsker å være i grupper, mens andre foretrekker litt mer alenetid på turen. Vi ønsket å gi deg muligheten til å gjøre ting på din måte. Det er tross alt din ferie! Så lenge du respekterer gruppetidene og stedene som er angitt av guiden din, kan du gjerne tilpasse reiseruten din og skape ditt eget eventyr!
We had the most wonderful guide - Tine - we cannot recommend him highly enough. We were picked up near the train station in Venice at 9am promptly, and it was a smooth and beautiful drive into Slovenia. We had lunch at a delicious lake-side restaurant in Bled, then took a pletna over to Bled Island, where we had time to hike the trail around the perimeter and also do a complete tour of the beautiful little church and tower. Tine then whisked us to the other side of the lake for a tour of Bled Castle, the oldest in the country, which houses a small demonstration printing press and museum. In addition, our kids had seen the alpine slide at Straza Hill snaking down the mountain across the lake from the castle, and Tine fit it into the schedule as a surprise addition - such fun! He was so accommodating and kind. We were back in Venice for dinner just a little after 8. A fantastic introduction to Slovenia and we can't wait to return for a longer visit!
Sharon H
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Nejc was our guide. He went out of his way to ensure we had an enjoyable day. Very knowledgeable guide. We visited Vintgar Gorge, Vogel by cable car, Triglaw NP, Savica Waterfall and Bohinj Lake where we also took a boat cruise. It was a fantastic day. We were lucky enough to be the only 2 on the tour and we did everything at our own pace. Nejc, thank you for a wonderful day, it was a pleasure spending time with you and getting to know you.
John Praprotnik
Verifisert kunde
Awesome Day Trip and Tinkara was such a great Guide a wealth of knowledge and just relaxing Day.
Would recommend this trip Triglav national park day trip.
Again thanks to Day trips Slovenia
John P
Verifisert kunde
The experience was amazing and the scenery awesome.
Tinkara Was an awesome amazing guide lots of knowledge and just a relaxed atmosphere.
Would recommend this tour . But be aware lots of steep climbing.
Had a wonderful experience which I will remember.
Veronica Torres
Verifisert kunde
Best team, best tour guide ( special shout out to Matej)! Really wonderful helpful team that went the extra mile to make sure my family and I had a memorable day!! I will forever recommend this tour!
amy c
Verifisert kunde
We chose the option to meet at lake bled and left from there for an all day adventure in the Soca valley. We saw so much in the short day and had a wonderful professional driver
Jennifer M
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Ziga was our guide for the day & was absolutely fabulous. His driving was smooth & safe & his knowledge on all things was A1 from history to nature to all thing Slovenia. We were very impressed. We went from Venice to Lake Bled & return as a daytrip. Few crowds, fairytale scenery, delicious fooderies of our choice and then a walk along the lake & optional hilltop view . A pletna ride to the church too !! It was wonderful & so convenient, good communication in the lead up . Highly recommend this as a daytrip .
Bill B
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We had such a great time at Lake Bled. My wife and I went on this tour from Koper with Marjana, who gave great insight into the area, plenty of time to experience all that Lake Bled had to offer, and great conversation. The tour started and ended on time as we had time constraints from our cruise ship, but we felt that the time was maximized to give us the best taste of Slovenia possible. Highly recommend!
Verifisert kunde
We had great experiences with Day Trip Slovenia and an excellent guide Tine Verbic.
First, online booking and rescheduling was very pleasant with quick and prompt responses within a day or a few hours during the travel.
We booked two tours from Bled on two consecutive days and had Tine as our guide for both of th tours. We’ve had many private tour guides in the past. So far Tine is one of the best we’ve ever had. He is knowledgeable, tentative, pleasant, genuine, and the “mostnice” person to talk to. He helped us to make last minute schedule change with prompt communication with the company’s operator.
The castle and the cave are the places ‘a must’ to visit with fascinating legendary story and incredible natural beauty. We also spent a day hiking through Vintgar Gorge and Triglav National park. The scenery is breathtaking and unforgettable.
I highly recommend Tine to be your guide (ask him as your guide through your tour operator) and Day Trip Slovenia as a tour company to work with.
Mohika K
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We visited lake Bled in Februaty and had a lovely time exploring beautiful nature. The tour guide was super friendly and we had some good laughs during our stay.
Sila Algül
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The nature in Slovenia is simply breath taking!
Jenny Switzer
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We had a fabulous two days and saw so many magnificent places in such a short time.
Slovenia is a lovely country and will return to explore more.
Dean was an exceptional driver, so professional and obliging with all that we wanted to do. An outstanding person for any company to use, we were very thankful to have such a delightful driver, he went above and beyond. Simona and her staff were so diligent and efficient in organising Dean and this resulted in a 5 star experience.
Diana W
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We had a fantastic day with our booked tour through the Slovenian countryside, followed by canyoning. Our guide was very informative and friendly! The communication beforehand went smoothly and we were picked up on time from Ljubljana. Everthing worked wonderfully and we felt safe during the canyoning tour thanks to our guide! I would do the trip again, I highly recommend the organisation.
Erica S
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We booked 3 different day tours online with Day trips Slovenia from Perth, Western Australia. The service was second to none with Maruša who responded quickly with our queries. Our first tour was with our guide Erika who picked us up from Lake Bled and took us on a wonderful journey through the Julian Alps and the Soca Valley including the Ziplining. Our second tour was with Jan who took us to Mt Vogel on the cable car, Mostnica Gorge and the Savica waterfalls. The scenery in the Alps region was breathtaking and highly recommended - tranquil and stunning scenery. Our third tour was from Ljubljana with Matej who took us to Postojna caves and Predjama Castle. All of our tours are thoroughly recommended and using this company sees fabulous guides accompanying you. Our guides were personable, knowledgeable, relaxed, attentive and drove calmly and safely. We felt in exceptional hands at all times. We met Simona, the manager, at the offices in Ljubljana in order to thank her and the team personally. Great job Slovenia day tours! Thank you.
Barbara Phillips
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A well organised tour custom built to our requirements. A fantastic day with a knowledgeable, professional, friendly and attentive guide. Highly recommended!!
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We had a great time on our trip with Ivana today. Would highly recommend this company for anyone wanting a personal experience / day trip!
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We took multiple day trips and everything were perfect - From the initial booking to the day of the trip. Our guide were tentative, polite amd friendly, with full knowledge of the area. All the trips were so enjoyable that we will definitely use the same company when we come back. Highly recommended.
Patricia G
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An excellent day out in the Julian Alps with Jure. We were 3 friends of mature age so Jure (a canyoning specialist) knew to take things a bit slower than usual. We walked the Vintgar gorge. Jure kindly met us at end and walked us back throuh the forest to the car park. Then we hiked up to and behind the Pericnik waterfall, an amazing experience. We travelled through beautiful valleys with the mountains close by around us and had a picnic at the head of the valley. Then a rather special experience at the Planica skijumping centre - amazing to see both children and adults training here. You can also practice x country skiing in an indoor facility. We were left back at our hotel having had a busy but fantastic day out.
Andrew D
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In planning my family trip to Italy, I wanted to also see another country while we were there. When I noticed how close Slovenia is to Venice, I searched online for tour companies and saw that Day Trips Slovenia would pick me and my family up in Venice, drive us to Lake Bled, and then have us back in Venice in time for dinner. Between the drive to and from Lake Bled and the time we spent at Lake Bled, we were treated to an absolutely magical day, falling in love with Slovenia in the process.
My dealings with the Day Trips Slovenia staff as well as our driver were professional, thorough, and delightful. Everyone was more than willing to help and were passionate about introducing us to their wonderful country. As a result, we had an incredible day. If we ever return to Slovenia, I would definitely reach out to this company again for assistance.
If you're going to Italy and want the chance to see another country thoroughly in 1 day, this is the way to go !!!!
sati kanwar
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We booked an all day private tour to the Julian Alps from Ljubljana. Our guide Jure picked us up at our hotel. He was great, took us to all the sites we wanted to see, and very knowledgeable. He also took us around Ljubljana and showed us neighborhoods we would not have seen on our own. We did not want to drive ourselves as we wanted to enjoy the sites. Planning the day trip was easy with Simona. She was prompt, and professional. Highly recommended the company
Chuck D
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My 2 yr-old son and I did both a regular day trip to lakes Bled and Bohinj, and personalized trips to some of the area's old forts. Each were well-timed, comfortable trips with other places of interest pointed out along the way. A highlight was our trip to Hrastovlje which was actually a last minute addition that the company help me plan. Follow-up was prompt and payment was easy. A great, convenient way to see the different amazing corners of Slovenia, with guides who have lots of local knowledge.
Steve Laurence
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I booked five tours to see as much of Slovenia as possible. I arranged this with Jovan who couldn’t have been more helpful.
I explained my areas of interest and suggested some places I thought would be good to visit and he expanded on this with some great suggestions. I asked for a different guide for each tour and requested that the guide should also be the driver. These requests were met and excellent guides were provided.
All of the guides were highly knowledgeable, good communicators and excellent company. The guides were local to the tour areas and two of them travelled a considerable distance to pick me up in Ljubljana and then take me back. Their flexibility and eagerness to please was commendable.
I have no hesitation in whole heartedly recommending this company if you want to get the best out of your visit to Slovenia.
An excellent tour company if you want to get the best out of your visit to Slovenia.
Verifisert kunde
I booked five tours to see as much of Slovenia as possible. I arranged this with Jovan who couldn’t have been more helpful.
I explained my areas of interest and suggested some places I thought would be good to visit and he expanded on this with some great suggestions. I asked for a different guide for each tour and requested that the guide should also be the driver. These requests were met and excellent guides were provided.
All of the guides were highly knowledgeable, good communicators and excellent company. The guides were local to the tour areas and two of them travelled a considerable distance to pick me up in Ljubljana and then take me back. Their flexibility and eagerness to please was commendable.
I have no hesitation in whole heartedly recommending this company if you want to get the best out of your visit to Slovenia.
Edward C
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We booked Ljubljana to Soča Valley and the Julian Alps. The staff and guide were very kind and helpful. We had such a great and fun time. Well worth the prices, thank you guys!
Kelsi C
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Our private tour of the Julian Alps was incredible -- our guide Tine was highly knowledgeable about the area and made our trip fun, educational, and enjoyable. Everything went very smoothly -- highly recommend.
Lila M
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I was on a hike in Logarska Valley with guide Sanda (thanks for the great stories!). The views in Logarska are beautiful - rocky mountains contrast with green meadows. I recommend! :)
Shawn Courson
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De var veldig imøtekommende og hjalp meg med å sette opp en reiserute som passet meg best mulig. Turen min gjennom Triglav nasjonalpark endte opp med å bli den beste dagen på hele turen. Guiden min, Jure, var den absolutt beste. Jeg kunne ikke anbefalt noen bedre.
Tom S
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Denne dagsturen var perfekt for meg fordi jeg ville få med meg så mye som mulig, og jeg fikk sett både grottene og kysten på samme dag. Piran var høydepunktet med sine små gater og vakre venetianske arkitektur. Et fantastisk sted å utforske med kamera!
Szymon Z
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Amazing experience, could not believe nature can make something like that. You can take your time in the cave, lasts quite a while. I also took some of the greatest photos of my trip in front of famos castle
Bane Mihajlović
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Meget profesjonelt og erfarent mannskap som kan guide deg gjennom vakre Slovenia.
Max R
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Soca is a must see! These were some of the best views I have seen in my life. Some guys from the group went for the zipline and they were thrilled. But even if you're not into adrenalin like myself, you will absolutely adore this gorgeous trip :)
Tomislav Vukmanović
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Vrhunsko iskustvo, svaka čast na organizaciji - preporuka! Tomislav
Leonardo Rizzuto
Verifisert kunde
Raccomanda a tutti! Son molto bravi e disponibili
Janko Komsha
Verifisert kunde
Bled Castle was my favourite stop. I couldn't stop taking pictures. I was so happy to try the traditional cream cake there. So yummy :)
Verifisert kunde
Money well spent. Will do again at some point.
piyush bagdi
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The day trip to the capital Ljubljana was awesome. Walking around the town center made me want to stay there for at least a few more days. The weather wasn’t that brilliant, but we saw all the main sites. The architecture, climate and landscape are so different from where I was staying on the coast. It's like visiting another country.
Verifisert kunde
I did not expect to see such amazing places. I love photography and this day trip was just perfect for me because all the places we visited were so beautiful. There weren't too many people, especially Bohinj. I think the tourists haven’t discovered it yet, so I suggest you go on this trip soon!
Cameron F
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Me and my family were based in Bled for a holiday and heard a lot about Slovenia being famous for its caves, so we decided to take a day trip to Postojna. Oh, boy, what a surprise! I’ve been in caves before, but nothing like this. Stunning! I think I enjoyed the underground train ride as much as our kids, if not more! Plus, the guide was great – very patient and friendly. An absolutely fantastic trip!
Nuno L
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This trip is a Must Go! We had a great time with our guide! He was fun and very knowledgeable. We all felt that this tour was well worth the money we spent on it. I could not recommend more highly!
Nuno L
Verifisert kunde
From start to finish, this tour was GREAT! Our guide was fabulous and he gave us tons of information and history as well as giving us enough free time to explore everything. We were very lucky with the weather and everything was amazing.
Verifisert kunde
This is a bit of a late review for me, but my experience was amazing with this agency. Our guide was really good and funny. Julian Alps and Soca valley were amazing. Particularly Triglav National Park since it was a long time dream of mine and even though the weather was very windy thanks to the guide's anecdotes, jokes and historical info, made it an unforgettable experience. I highly recommend it.
Nina Belingar
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Flott! De hjalp oss med å lage en flott reiserute for turen, først ønsket vi bare å gjøre en tur, men de ga et flott tilbud for 3 dagsturer, og vi elsket det rett og slett! selv om februar ikke er den beste måneden for å reise, men de gjorde det uforglemmelig! takk!
Mojca Kajiš
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Lots of driving but so worth it. It's like Switzerland without the prices. Beautiful nature and friendly locals. I booked this trip because our guide on the trip to Bled told us it's a must see, and she was right!
Bli med i en gruppe
When we say small, we mean small. Our groups consist of 4-8 people, so you are able to get a true in-depth experience of the destination without the hassle of travelling with a busload of people. This is ideal for solo travellers, couples, small groups of friends and family who are happy to share their journey with other like minded people. We need a minimum of 4 people to run this boutique tour with your own tour leader, accommodation and activities arrangements and comfortable transportation. If your group is bigger, please contact us for a different arrangement.
Privat guidet solo
En privat tur gir deg frihet og fleksibilitet til å tilpasse dagene på turen til dine behov og ønsker. Sjåføren, guiden og all transport er kun for deg, slik at du har større kontroll over tid og timeplan og får en mer personlig opplevelse uten å måtte tilpasse deg en større gruppe. Enten du reiser alene eller sammen med familie og venner, gir de private guidede turene deg muligheten til å legge til flere stopp og gjøre endringer underveis, så lenge de passer inn i reiseruten, som vi forbereder og organiserer nøye, slik at du kan få en bekymringsfri ferie.
Privat guidet
En privat tur gir deg frihet og fleksibilitet til å tilpasse dagene på turen til dine behov og ønsker. Sjåføren, guiden og all transport er kun for deg, slik at du har større kontroll over tid og timeplan og får en mer personlig opplevelse uten å måtte tilpasse deg en større gruppe. Enten du reiser alene eller sammen med familie og venner, gir de private guidede turene deg muligheten til å legge til flere stopp og gjøre endringer underveis, så lenge de passer inn i reiseruten, som vi forbereder og organiserer nøye, slik at du kan få en bekymringsfri ferie.
Lokale ekspertguider
Erfarne og lidenskapelige lokale guider vil sørge for at turen din går knirkefritt, og gjøre det lille ekstra for deg.
Beste priser
Siden vi arbeider uten mellommenn eller byråavgifter, kan vi forhandle frem de beste prisene og gi deg god valuta for pengene.
Små grupper
Reis raskere og smidigere med mer tid til å nyte severdighetene i selskap med opptil 8 personer.
Komfortable overføringer
Vi tar deg med på våre dagsturer i minibusser med klimaanlegg, for en mer komfortabel tur.