Kongresstorget, en mötesplats för kultur, historia och utbildning
Ljubljanas historiska gamla stad
Den centrala marknaden, en av de största marknaderna i Europa
Ljubljanas medeltida slott
Den livliga floden Ljubljanica
Prešeren-torget Ljubljana
Floden Ljubljanica
Kongresni trg
Ljubljanas gamla stad
Matresa till Ljubljanas marknad
Guidad kulinarisk rundtur
Postojna-grottan inuti
Tåg i grottan i Postojna
Grottan i Postojna
Predjama slott
Ingår i priset
Engelsktalande guide
Bekväm transport
Alla parkeringsavgifter och vägtullar
Viktigt för resan
Svårighetsgrad: Svårighet: Måttlig (1,5 km vandring genom Postojna-grottan + cirka 200 trappsteg i Predjama-slottet).
Temperaturen i grottan är 10C, så se till att du är ordentligt klädd.
Snacks och drycker ingår inte.
Delad gruppresa för högst 8 personer
Privat rundtur tillgänglig med extra kostnad
Minsta antal gäster gäller
Upphämtning finns på 4 angivna platser i centrum, extra avgift för upphämtning på boendet.
Resan genomförs på engelska, spansk guide finns tillgänglig mot en extra kostnad.
På väg söderut, till Karstregionen i Slovenien, kommer vi att upptäcka den enorma underjordiska skatt som kallas Postojna-grottan. Den är ett anmärkningsvärt system av underjordiska salar, tunnlar och droppstensformationer och är en av de mest populära attraktionerna i landet. För att göra det hela ännu mer spännande kan vi besöka Grottan i Postojna börjar med en liten elektrisk tågtur som tar dig in i dess djup. En guidad rundvandring i grottan avslöjar dess mysterier, bland annat olmen, en fascinerande varelse med smeknamnet "den lilla draken".
Efter en otroligt kort 1,5 timme fortsätter vi till Predjama slott - ett slott som är så unikt att det är upptaget på listan över Guinness rekordbok. Legenderna och historierna bakom slottet är nästan lika otroliga som dess läge, inbäddat i en klippa som döljer en hel grotta bakom sig. Om du bestämmer dig för att gå in i den tar en guidad tur dig hela vägen in i grottan, och du får en kort lunchpaus när du kommer ut. För dem som föredrar att beundra detta arkitektoniska underverk från utsidan kommer det att finnas gott om tid att ta ett mellanmål på restaurangen eller njuta av en picknick på ängarna nedanför slottet.
Din resa fortsätter till Ljubljana, den lilla men charmiga staden Sloveniens huvudstad. Under den guidade turen får du lära dig om Ljubljanas historia, arkitektur och kultur, samt om legender och historier om det lokala livet i dag. Efter rundturen har du gott om fritid att utforska på egen hand, eller så kan du hoppa på en båt på Ljubljanica-floden och utforska staden lite mer. För den bästa utsikten över staden kan du välja att besöka Ljubljanas slott med en bergbanetur och se de många utställningarna, filmvisningarna och det fantastiska utsiktstornet.
Saker att veta
Vår upphämtnings- och avlämningsplats i Bled är busstationen. Om du vill bli hämtad eller lämnad på en annan plats kan vi tillgodose detta med en tilläggsavgift på 9€/bokning.
Din förare kommer att köra mellan flera olika upphämtningsplatser, så vi ber dig vänligen att ge dig 20 minuter på dig för upphämtning, även om vi gör vårt bästa för att vara där i tid.
Du har möjlighet att välja både och. Vi har reserverat en tid för lunch på varje tur, alltid någonstans där det finns (vanligtvis lokala) restauranger nära till hands. Med det sagt kan du alltid packa din egen picknicklunch och äta den var och när du vill. Detta kan ibland till och med spara tid för att passa in lite extra sightseeing på din dag.
Det bästa med våra dagsutflykter är att de kan skräddarsys efter din egen konditionsnivå. De flesta turer är utformade med olika aktiviteter tillgängliga, så valet är helt ditt. Se avsnittet om svårighetsgrad under en specifik dagsutflykt för att se vilken svårighetsgrad turen och den särskilda aktiviteten har.
Oroa dig inte. Våra dagsutflykter planeras med alla i åtanke. Om du tycker att en inträdesavgift är för dyr, eller om du är osäker på om du är villig att spendera en så stor del av din budget på inträdesavgifter, har våra guider alltid några gratis alternativ redo för dig. Från att ta en kort vandring och hitta det perfekta fototillfället till att koppla av på en vacker plats, vi har allt du behöver.
Om du vill, visst! Vi är väl medvetna om att vissa människor älskar att vara i grupp medan andra föredrar att vara ensamma på sin resa. Vi ville ge dig möjlighet att göra saker och ting på ditt sätt. Det är trots allt din semester! Så länge du respekterar gruppens tider och de platser som din guide anvisar, får du gärna anpassa din resplan och skapa ditt eget äventyr!
Det är viktigt att klä sig efter årstiden. Slovenien har alla fyra årstiderna, så kontrollera väderprognosen före dagsutflykten när det gäller temperaturer och regn. När du befinner dig nära Alperna kan vädret skifta ganska snabbt, så det bästa är att alltid ta med ett extra lager. Vi rekommenderar skor som du känner dig bekväm i. Om du besöker grottor ska du komma ihåg att grottorna är kalla på sommaren, eftersom temperaturen i grottorna är konstant under hela året.
Det beror verkligen på nivån på din begränsning. Vegetariska alternativ är ganska lätta att hitta i Slovenien, men veganska rätter är däremot extremt svåra att hitta på landsbygden och i mindre städer. Observera att de ställen där vi stannar till för lunch ofta är traditionella och kan ha svårt att ta emot dig utanför deras standardmeny. Vi föreslår att du har detta i åtanke.
Det finns så mycket att göra i Slovenien, så vi ville ge dig möjlighet att välja exakt hur du vill tillbringa din tid här. Därför har vi sammanställt en lista över populära aktiviteter i de områden du besöker och kategoriserat dem som extraaktiviteter. Därför är valet av vilka och hur många du vill uppleva helt upp till dig. Vi har satt upp några av de mest populära aktiviteterna i de områden du besöker och listat dem som extraaktiviteter. Valet av hur många och vilka du vill göra är helt upp till dig. När du anländer till en destination, till exempel Bled-sjön, ger resplanen alltid utrymme för eventuella extra aktiviteter som du vill göra, som att besöka Bled slott eller ta en traditionell båttur till ön. Du kan boka alla dina valda extra aktiviteter i förväg. Din guide kommer att bekräfta bokningarna med dig under turen och se till att du vet allt du behöver veta. Det är alltid spännande när människor kommer från samma resa berikade av olika äventyr och kan dela och jämföra sina upplevelser tillsammans med de tonvis med foton som de har tagit.
Återbetalning av pengar vid oförutsägbara händelser
Edith M
Kontrollerad kund
We had the most wonderful guide - Tine - we cannot recommend him highly enough. We were picked up near the train station in Venice at 9am promptly, and it was a smooth and beautiful drive into Slovenia. We had lunch at a delicious lake-side restaurant in Bled, then took a pletna over to Bled Island, where we had time to hike the trail around the perimeter and also do a complete tour of the beautiful little church and tower. Tine then whisked us to the other side of the lake for a tour of Bled Castle, the oldest in the country, which houses a small demonstration printing press and museum. In addition, our kids had seen the alpine slide at Straza Hill snaking down the mountain across the lake from the castle, and Tine fit it into the schedule as a surprise addition - such fun! He was so accommodating and kind. We were back in Venice for dinner just a little after 8. A fantastic introduction to Slovenia and we can't wait to return for a longer visit!
Sharon H
Kontrollerad kund
Nejc was our guide. He went out of his way to ensure we had an enjoyable day. Very knowledgeable guide. We visited Vintgar Gorge, Vogel by cable car, Triglaw NP, Savica Waterfall and Bohinj Lake where we also took a boat cruise. It was a fantastic day. We were lucky enough to be the only 2 on the tour and we did everything at our own pace. Nejc, thank you for a wonderful day, it was a pleasure spending time with you and getting to know you.
John Praprotnik
Kontrollerad kund
Awesome Day Trip and Tinkara was such a great Guide a wealth of knowledge and just relaxing Day.
Would recommend this trip Triglav national park day trip.
Again thanks to Day trips Slovenia
John P
Kontrollerad kund
The experience was amazing and the scenery awesome.
Tinkara Was an awesome amazing guide lots of knowledge and just a relaxed atmosphere.
Would recommend this tour . But be aware lots of steep climbing.
Had a wonderful experience which I will remember.
Veronica Torres
Kontrollerad kund
Best team, best tour guide ( special shout out to Matej)! Really wonderful helpful team that went the extra mile to make sure my family and I had a memorable day!! I will forever recommend this tour!
amy c
Kontrollerad kund
We chose the option to meet at lake bled and left from there for an all day adventure in the Soca valley. We saw so much in the short day and had a wonderful professional driver
Jennifer M
Kontrollerad kund
Ziga was our guide for the day & was absolutely fabulous. His driving was smooth & safe & his knowledge on all things was A1 from history to nature to all thing Slovenia. We were very impressed. We went from Venice to Lake Bled & return as a daytrip. Few crowds, fairytale scenery, delicious fooderies of our choice and then a walk along the lake & optional hilltop view . A pletna ride to the church too !! It was wonderful & so convenient, good communication in the lead up . Highly recommend this as a daytrip .
Bill B
Kontrollerad kund
We had such a great time at Lake Bled. My wife and I went on this tour from Koper with Marjana, who gave great insight into the area, plenty of time to experience all that Lake Bled had to offer, and great conversation. The tour started and ended on time as we had time constraints from our cruise ship, but we felt that the time was maximized to give us the best taste of Slovenia possible. Highly recommend!
Kontrollerad kund
We had great experiences with Day Trip Slovenia and an excellent guide Tine Verbic.
First, online booking and rescheduling was very pleasant with quick and prompt responses within a day or a few hours during the travel.
We booked two tours from Bled on two consecutive days and had Tine as our guide for both of th tours. We’ve had many private tour guides in the past. So far Tine is one of the best we’ve ever had. He is knowledgeable, tentative, pleasant, genuine, and the “mostnice” person to talk to. He helped us to make last minute schedule change with prompt communication with the company’s operator.
The castle and the cave are the places ‘a must’ to visit with fascinating legendary story and incredible natural beauty. We also spent a day hiking through Vintgar Gorge and Triglav National park. The scenery is breathtaking and unforgettable.
I highly recommend Tine to be your guide (ask him as your guide through your tour operator) and Day Trip Slovenia as a tour company to work with.
Mohika K
Kontrollerad kund
We visited lake Bled in Februaty and had a lovely time exploring beautiful nature. The tour guide was super friendly and we had some good laughs during our stay.
Sila Algül
Kontrollerad kund
The nature in Slovenia is simply breath taking!
Jenny Switzer
Kontrollerad kund
We had a fabulous two days and saw so many magnificent places in such a short time.
Slovenia is a lovely country and will return to explore more.
Dean was an exceptional driver, so professional and obliging with all that we wanted to do. An outstanding person for any company to use, we were very thankful to have such a delightful driver, he went above and beyond. Simona and her staff were so diligent and efficient in organising Dean and this resulted in a 5 star experience.
Diana W
Kontrollerad kund
We had a fantastic day with our booked tour through the Slovenian countryside, followed by canyoning. Our guide was very informative and friendly! The communication beforehand went smoothly and we were picked up on time from Ljubljana. Everthing worked wonderfully and we felt safe during the canyoning tour thanks to our guide! I would do the trip again, I highly recommend the organisation.
Erica S
Kontrollerad kund
We booked 3 different day tours online with Day trips Slovenia from Perth, Western Australia. The service was second to none with Maruša who responded quickly with our queries. Our first tour was with our guide Erika who picked us up from Lake Bled and took us on a wonderful journey through the Julian Alps and the Soca Valley including the Ziplining. Our second tour was with Jan who took us to Mt Vogel on the cable car, Mostnica Gorge and the Savica waterfalls. The scenery in the Alps region was breathtaking and highly recommended - tranquil and stunning scenery. Our third tour was from Ljubljana with Matej who took us to Postojna caves and Predjama Castle. All of our tours are thoroughly recommended and using this company sees fabulous guides accompanying you. Our guides were personable, knowledgeable, relaxed, attentive and drove calmly and safely. We felt in exceptional hands at all times. We met Simona, the manager, at the offices in Ljubljana in order to thank her and the team personally. Great job Slovenia day tours! Thank you.
Barbara Phillips
Kontrollerad kund
A well organised tour custom built to our requirements. A fantastic day with a knowledgeable, professional, friendly and attentive guide. Highly recommended!!
Kontrollerad kund
We had a great time on our trip with Ivana today. Would highly recommend this company for anyone wanting a personal experience / day trip!
Kontrollerad kund
We took multiple day trips and everything were perfect - From the initial booking to the day of the trip. Our guide were tentative, polite amd friendly, with full knowledge of the area. All the trips were so enjoyable that we will definitely use the same company when we come back. Highly recommended.
Patricia G
Kontrollerad kund
An excellent day out in the Julian Alps with Jure. We were 3 friends of mature age so Jure (a canyoning specialist) knew to take things a bit slower than usual. We walked the Vintgar gorge. Jure kindly met us at end and walked us back throuh the forest to the car park. Then we hiked up to and behind the Pericnik waterfall, an amazing experience. We travelled through beautiful valleys with the mountains close by around us and had a picnic at the head of the valley. Then a rather special experience at the Planica skijumping centre - amazing to see both children and adults training here. You can also practice x country skiing in an indoor facility. We were left back at our hotel having had a busy but fantastic day out.
Andrew D
Kontrollerad kund
In planning my family trip to Italy, I wanted to also see another country while we were there. When I noticed how close Slovenia is to Venice, I searched online for tour companies and saw that Day Trips Slovenia would pick me and my family up in Venice, drive us to Lake Bled, and then have us back in Venice in time for dinner. Between the drive to and from Lake Bled and the time we spent at Lake Bled, we were treated to an absolutely magical day, falling in love with Slovenia in the process.
My dealings with the Day Trips Slovenia staff as well as our driver were professional, thorough, and delightful. Everyone was more than willing to help and were passionate about introducing us to their wonderful country. As a result, we had an incredible day. If we ever return to Slovenia, I would definitely reach out to this company again for assistance.
If you're going to Italy and want the chance to see another country thoroughly in 1 day, this is the way to go !!!!
sati kanwar
Kontrollerad kund
We booked an all day private tour to the Julian Alps from Ljubljana. Our guide Jure picked us up at our hotel. He was great, took us to all the sites we wanted to see, and very knowledgeable. He also took us around Ljubljana and showed us neighborhoods we would not have seen on our own. We did not want to drive ourselves as we wanted to enjoy the sites. Planning the day trip was easy with Simona. She was prompt, and professional. Highly recommended the company
Chuck D
Kontrollerad kund
My 2 yr-old son and I did both a regular day trip to lakes Bled and Bohinj, and personalized trips to some of the area's old forts. Each were well-timed, comfortable trips with other places of interest pointed out along the way. A highlight was our trip to Hrastovlje which was actually a last minute addition that the company help me plan. Follow-up was prompt and payment was easy. A great, convenient way to see the different amazing corners of Slovenia, with guides who have lots of local knowledge.
Steve Laurence
Kontrollerad kund
I booked five tours to see as much of Slovenia as possible. I arranged this with Jovan who couldn’t have been more helpful.
I explained my areas of interest and suggested some places I thought would be good to visit and he expanded on this with some great suggestions. I asked for a different guide for each tour and requested that the guide should also be the driver. These requests were met and excellent guides were provided.
All of the guides were highly knowledgeable, good communicators and excellent company. The guides were local to the tour areas and two of them travelled a considerable distance to pick me up in Ljubljana and then take me back. Their flexibility and eagerness to please was commendable.
I have no hesitation in whole heartedly recommending this company if you want to get the best out of your visit to Slovenia.
An excellent tour company if you want to get the best out of your visit to Slovenia.
Kontrollerad kund
I booked five tours to see as much of Slovenia as possible. I arranged this with Jovan who couldn’t have been more helpful.
I explained my areas of interest and suggested some places I thought would be good to visit and he expanded on this with some great suggestions. I asked for a different guide for each tour and requested that the guide should also be the driver. These requests were met and excellent guides were provided.
All of the guides were highly knowledgeable, good communicators and excellent company. The guides were local to the tour areas and two of them travelled a considerable distance to pick me up in Ljubljana and then take me back. Their flexibility and eagerness to please was commendable.
I have no hesitation in whole heartedly recommending this company if you want to get the best out of your visit to Slovenia.
Edward C
Kontrollerad kund
We booked Ljubljana to Soča Valley and the Julian Alps. The staff and guide were very kind and helpful. We had such a great and fun time. Well worth the prices, thank you guys!
Kelsi C
Kontrollerad kund
Our private tour of the Julian Alps was incredible -- our guide Tine was highly knowledgeable about the area and made our trip fun, educational, and enjoyable. Everything went very smoothly -- highly recommend.
Lila M
Kontrollerad kund
I was on a hike in Logarska Valley with guide Sanda (thanks for the great stories!). The views in Logarska are beautiful - rocky mountains contrast with green meadows. I recommend! :)
Shawn Courson
Kontrollerad kund
De var mycket tillmötesgående och hjälpte mig med att sätta upp en resplan som fungerade bäst för mig. Min resa genom Triglav nationalpark slutade med att bli den bästa dagen på hela min resa. Min guide, Jure, var den absolut bästa. Jag skulle inte kunna rekommendera någon högre.
Tom S
Kontrollerad kund
Den här dagsutflykten var perfekt för mig eftersom jag ville hinna med så mycket som möjligt och jag fick se både grottorna och kusten på samma dag. Piran var höjdpunkten med sina små gator och vackra venetianska arkitektur. Underbar plats att utforska med en kamera!
Szymon Z
Kontrollerad kund
Amazing experience, could not believe nature can make something like that. You can take your time in the cave, lasts quite a while. I also took some of the greatest photos of my trip in front of famos castle
Bane Mihajlović
Kontrollerad kund
Mycket professionell och erfaren besättning som kan guida dig genom vackra Slovenien.
Max R
Kontrollerad kund
Soca is a must see! These were some of the best views I have seen in my life. Some guys from the group went for the zipline and they were thrilled. But even if you're not into adrenalin like myself, you will absolutely adore this gorgeous trip :)
Tomislav Vukmanović
Kontrollerad kund
Vrhunsko iskustvo, svaka čast na organizaciji - preporuka! Tomislav
Leonardo Rizzuto
Kontrollerad kund
Raccomanda a tutti! Son molto bravi e disponibili
Janko Komsha
Kontrollerad kund
Bled Castle was my favourite stop. I couldn't stop taking pictures. I was so happy to try the traditional cream cake there. So yummy :)
Kontrollerad kund
Money well spent. Will do again at some point.
piyush bagdi
Kontrollerad kund
The day trip to the capital Ljubljana was awesome. Walking around the town center made me want to stay there for at least a few more days. The weather wasn’t that brilliant, but we saw all the main sites. The architecture, climate and landscape are so different from where I was staying on the coast. It's like visiting another country.
Kontrollerad kund
I did not expect to see such amazing places. I love photography and this day trip was just perfect for me because all the places we visited were so beautiful. There weren't too many people, especially Bohinj. I think the tourists haven’t discovered it yet, so I suggest you go on this trip soon!
Cameron F
Kontrollerad kund
Me and my family were based in Bled for a holiday and heard a lot about Slovenia being famous for its caves, so we decided to take a day trip to Postojna. Oh, boy, what a surprise! I’ve been in caves before, but nothing like this. Stunning! I think I enjoyed the underground train ride as much as our kids, if not more! Plus, the guide was great – very patient and friendly. An absolutely fantastic trip!
Nuno L
Kontrollerad kund
This trip is a Must Go! We had a great time with our guide! He was fun and very knowledgeable. We all felt that this tour was well worth the money we spent on it. I could not recommend more highly!
Nuno L
Kontrollerad kund
From start to finish, this tour was GREAT! Our guide was fabulous and he gave us tons of information and history as well as giving us enough free time to explore everything. We were very lucky with the weather and everything was amazing.
Kontrollerad kund
This is a bit of a late review for me, but my experience was amazing with this agency. Our guide was really good and funny. Julian Alps and Soca valley were amazing. Particularly Triglav National Park since it was a long time dream of mine and even though the weather was very windy thanks to the guide's anecdotes, jokes and historical info, made it an unforgettable experience. I highly recommend it.
Nina Belingar
Kontrollerad kund
Bra! De hjälpte oss att skapa en bra resplan för resan, först ville vi bara göra en resa, men de gav oss ett bra erbjudande om tre dagsturer och vi älskade det! även om februari inte är den bästa månaden för resor, men de gjorde det oförglömligt!
Mojca Kajiš
Kontrollerad kund
Lots of driving but so worth it. It's like Switzerland without the prices. Beautiful nature and friendly locals. I booked this trip because our guide on the trip to Bled told us it's a must see, and she was right!
Gå med i en grupp
When we say small, we mean small. Our groups consist of 4-8 people, so you are able to get a true in-depth experience of the destination without the hassle of travelling with a busload of people. This is ideal for solo travellers, couples, small groups of friends and family who are happy to share their journey with other like minded people. We need a minimum of 4 people to run this boutique tour with your own tour leader, accommodation and activities arrangements and comfortable transportation. If your group is bigger, please contact us for a different arrangement.
Privat Guidad Solo
Privat rundresa ger dig frihet och flexibilitet att anpassa dina dagar på rundresan efter dina behov och önskemål. Förarguiden och alla transfers är endast till för dig, så du har större kontroll över din tid och ditt schema och får en mer personlig upplevelse utan att behöva anpassa dig till en större grupp. Oavsett om du reser ensam eller med familj och vänner ger de guidade privatresorna dig möjlighet till fler stopp, tillägg och ändringar i farten, så länge de passar in i resplanen, som vi noggrant förbereder och organiserar, så att du kan få en bekymmersfri semester.
Privat Guidad
Privat rundresa ger dig frihet och flexibilitet att anpassa dina dagar på rundresan efter dina behov och önskemål. Förarguiden och alla transfers är endast till för dig, så du har större kontroll över din tid och ditt schema och får en mer personlig upplevelse utan att behöva anpassa dig till en större grupp. Oavsett om du reser ensam eller med familj och vänner ger de guidade privatresorna dig möjlighet till fler stopp, tillägg och ändringar i farten, så länge de passar in i resplanen, som vi noggrant förbereder och organiserar, så att du kan få en bekymmersfri semester.
Lokala expertguider
Erfarna och passionerade lokala guider ser till att resan går smidigt och gör det lilla extra för dig.
Bästa priser
Eftersom vi arbetar utan mellanhänder eller förmedlingsavgifter kan vi förhandla fram de bästa priserna och ge dig stort värde för dina pengar.
Små grupper
Njut av en snabbare och smidigare resa med mer tid att njuta av sevärdheterna i sällskap av upp till 8 personer.
Bekväma överföringar
Vi tar dig på våra dagsutflykter i luftkonditionerade minibussar för en bekvämare resa.